Sunday, December 11, 2011

Non-Blog Assignment Due Dec. 16

Take a break from creating a blog post this week.  Instead, follow the directions below.

Use an index card to record the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Tell me if you would like to stay in your current field site classroom or if you would like to change placements.  
  • If you answered you would like to stay were you are, turn your card in.  You are finished.
  • If you would like to change, tell me why?  Don't play games in your explanation.  Just put it out there and tell me why you would like to change.
  • Indicate where you would like to be placed.  Give specifics such as age group, subject content, and anything you can tell me.  If you have a specific school and teacher in mind, add that also.  
  • Add anything else that you think would help me determine the best placement for you.
Disclaimer:  Asking for a change in field site placement does not guarantee one.  Likewise, the request to remain at your current site does not promise that you will remain there.  All field site teachers will be contacted.  Yours has the option to discontinue mentoring you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Assignment Due Dec. 9

Title:  Should Santa be Allowed to Come to School?

Recently the Fort Worth ISD issued a statement concerning holiday-related characters visiting the classroom during instructional time.  Read the following article from the Fort Worth Star Telegram.
Should Santa be Allowed to Come to School?

What does federal law say about holidays connected to religion? Find out more below.
The "December Dilemma"
  • How would things change in your field site classroom if BISD adopted this stance?
  • What activities or events would be cut out if holiday characters could not visit the classroom?
  • Would elementary school children be able to take part in PTA parties held before or after school?
  • What would be your solution to this dilemma?

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    Blog Assignment Due Dec. 2

    Following the guidelines given to you, revisit the blog post that you created before the Thanksgiving break.  Edit your blog to fit the criteria on which you will be graded.  Below the blog prompt are examples of multimedia that you might include in your blog.

    Blog Title:  Favorite Internet Teaching Resource Site(s)
    Blog Prompt: Recommend your new favorite internet site that will provide resources for planning lessons. Why did you select this site over others? Name some features you will use. Include the links to this source (and others) on your blog. 

    Insert a link to a related, interesting site:
    Discovery Education

    Insert an image that is related to your post:

    Insert a video that enhances your post:

    Link to a source that prompted you to blog:


    Expectation of the Blog!

    There is a difference between writing a POST and making a COMMENT on a blog.  For the purposes of the EAT class, you will create a post each week to a prompt given by me.  In the future your prompts will be found on this blog.

    There will be some weeks which you will be asked to COMMENT on a blog post I have written.  A comment is exactly what the name implies.  It is short and to the point.  It gives your opinion in a short amount of words.  In many cases, it may be a sentence or less.

    Here are some quick guidelines on how to make a good POST.  Expert blogger, Darren Rowse, offers ten tips that will help you become an expert blogger.

    Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post

    Here is how you will be graded each week on the blog.

    Quality of Writing
    Interesting style and voice
    Informative and reflective

    Writing Mechanics
    -1 for each error

    Formatting, font, background

    Multimedia enhances post
    Adds perspective and information

    Deadlines – Blog is posted by deadline (no late grades).  Blogs due on Friday of week assigned.


    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    Welcome to EAT Classroom 901 Blog!

    This is the Education and Training blog for classroom 901 at BCTAL.  All posts made on this blog must be concise, contain meaningful content, avoid the use of inappropriate language or content, and make attempts to use proper writing mechanics - grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.