Title: My Year as an Intern
Read the poem, Roller Coaster. As you read, reflect on this past year as an intern in the Education and Training program. What have been some of your ups and downs at your field site?The author refers to nausea. What was yours?
The author refers to elation in the next to last stanza. What was your elation this year?
Near the end, the author refers to being "forever committed." How have your experiences shaped your decision to become a teacher or not? Describe experiences from the year that confirmed your decision. What have you learned from your mentor, through his/her actions or advice, that you will carry with you?
If you could change anything about your actions, performance, participation, etc. at your field site classroom, what would it be? How would you have done it differently?
(Remember to attach at least 2 different types of media examples to your post: graphics, video, link, etc. Make sure to cite the source(s) which you are referencing.)