For Year I Students Only!
Due: At the end of your final exam periodDuring the fall semester you participated in an "Image Scrimmage." Throughout the semester you have had an opportunity to practice and use the skills covered in that activity. In your opinion, which component of the "Image Scrimmage" has the biggest effect on the impression others (your mentor, classroom students, administrators, etc.) form of you at your field site? Here are some of the components:
- Written communication skills (resume, cover letter)
- Confidentiality
- Professional Dress
- Marketing Yourself - Introduction poster
- Ability to handle sticky situations - Ethical dilemma
- Presentation skills - How to Read a Book
- Networking - Visit with the superintendent
Explain, in detail, why you selected the component you did. Support your answer with examples, testimonials, and happenings from the EAT class.
Remember to include the components required for a blog (see September blog) such as written content, formatting, writing conventions, link to reference blog, and 2 sources of media. One source must be a piece of support material that backs your answer such as a video or link to reference article.