Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Due April 25

Title:  How Do We Keep Our Students Safe and Secure in School?

For the first time, a civilian addressed the nation during the president's weekly address. Francine Wheeler, mother of six-year-old Ben Wheeler, who was killed in the Sandy Hook tragedy, addressed the nation encouraging citizens to push for stronger gun reform measures.  View her message below:

Sandy Hook Victim’s Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms

Four months have passed since the murders of 20 students and 6 teachers. Discuss your feelings about the tragedy.  Do you agree that stronger gun reforms are the way to prevent tragedies such as Sandy Hook?  Or, do you feel teachers and other school personnel need to be allowed to carry fire arms?  Or, is there another option?

If you were responsible for improving the safety and security of American schools, what would your plans include?  Offer specifics and examples.