Sunday, September 9, 2012

Set Up Your Blog!

Blog Due:  Friday, September 14

Set up your own blog by visiting  Blogger is part of your Google account.
To log in, use your Gmail user name and password.  Then select "Blog."
Set up a template that is professional for this class and easy to read.  Show your page to Mrs. Kallas before finalizing.

Bookmark your blog on your computer.
Record your log in, user name, and password in your "secret" folder.

Create a greeting for your blog.  It should welcome readers and indicate what your blog is about.  Of course, your blog is designed to comment on issues and topics that are current in the field of education. It is designed for you to think critically and respond intelligently to hot topics.  Your greeting post does not have to include media, but think about how you can use formatting and pictures to make it interesting.


1 comment:

  1. I think that Kayla's story is really inspiring, and I hope that this year I have an experience like that where I know teaching is the right path for me.
