Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog due on Friday, February 1

Title:  Defending Your Decision to Teach

Read the article, Life 101:  Defending Your Decision to Teach, from the November/December 2012 issue of FEA's Go Teach magazine.

As you read, think about what you would reply to the question, "Why do you even want to become a teacher?"

Write your response.  Be sure to emphasize three points that make your decision solid.  Format your response in such a way that it is obvious what your three points are.  Give examples, testimonials, or support for your points.

If you can't reply affirmatively to this question, then discuss the concerns you have about selecting a career in education.  Again, you should have three points that outline your concerns.

Remember to follow the guidelines for referencing, giving credit where it is due, and including media in your post.

Formatting, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization -- they are very important in your post.

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