Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring 2013 Final Part 4

Title:  Test Your Knowledge

(Worth 25% of final exam grade)

EAT this Quiz!  This should be easy as pie!  Take the online quiz over a few of the things you should have learned this year in your Education and Training class.  It won’t take long.  Worth up to 25 points.  Click here and be sure and sign in with your name.  One attempt only. 

You DO NOT need to create a post for this.  Be sure to record your score on your score sheet immediately after taking it.

Spring 2013 Final Part 3

Title:  Reflection:  If I Could Do It All Over

(Worth 25% of final exam grade)

Reflection:  re·flec·tion  Spelled [ri-flek-shuh n]  noun:   the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.   

Reflection is good for the soul.  It is an excellent way to analyze and assess effectiveness. You should reflect on the past year or two years as the case may be - how you felt in the beginning and how you feel now that you have spent nearly an entire school year (or two) as a teacher intern. Are you more or less enthusiastic about becoming a teacher? Do you still think teaching is for you? If not, why? If so, elaborate on your reasons. How did you bring closure to your classroom experience? What were your feelings as you departed your classroom for the last time?  You should include at least two pictures from your site school experience. 

As always, use the rubric for maximum grading potential. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Spring 2013 Final Part 2

Title:  Part 2:  Classroom Management

(Worth 25% of final exam grade)

You are the new Education and Training teacher hired for the 2013-14 school year.  You have decided to revamp some of the current policies and procedures to better serve students as they prepare for college and the world of work.  Select ONE of the areas below and write clear and concise policy for the Education and Training handbook.  Remember to include consequences when violations occur to the policy or procedure. 
  • ·      Dress code for field sites
  • ·      Transportation guidelines for field site travel
  • ·      Due dates on assignments and late work

Spring 2013 Final Part 1

Title:  Part 1:  Select a TEKS and Corresponding Activity

(Worth 25% of final exam grade)

Visit the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for your class on the Texas Education Agency website (http://www.tea.state.tx.us). Using the field site classroom you were in this spring, select a TEKS for the grade level/content area.   Cut and paste it onto your blog.  Then, search for an activity that would help a student master the TEKS you selected. The activity should be an app or a web-based activity.  Link the app or the activity on you blog.  Follow with a brief explanation of the activity and describe what the desired student outcomes should be.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blog Due Monday, May 20

Title:  In My Opinion - The Best Virtual Field Trip

It is approaching the end of the school year.  Financial resources at your school have been tight.  Your principal has just informed you (the teacher) that your class will not be able to take the planned field trip you had scheduled for next week.  You are disappointed and you know your students will be distraught as they were excited about the learning opportunity outside of the walls of your classroom.  Now what?

Wait!  You negotiate a reservation in the computer lab, and create an opportunity for your students to take a virtual field trip.  With little time to create one of your own, you scrammble to find one your students would love.  Read the eSchool News article, Ten of the Best Virtual Field Trips, and select the one you would choose for your students.  Be sure to click on the titles of each trip listed so you can go on the virtual trip. Explain why you would choose the trip, the grade/content it is for, what features you like about the trip, what the students would learn from the trip, and more.  I'll tabulate everyone's choices and see which one came out on top!

Want more to choose from?  Take a look at these reviews of some of the most popular virtual field trips.

More Virtual Field Trips