Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring 2013 Final Part 3

Title:  Reflection:  If I Could Do It All Over

(Worth 25% of final exam grade)

Reflection:  re·flec·tion  Spelled [ri-flek-shuh n]  noun:   the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.   

Reflection is good for the soul.  It is an excellent way to analyze and assess effectiveness. You should reflect on the past year or two years as the case may be - how you felt in the beginning and how you feel now that you have spent nearly an entire school year (or two) as a teacher intern. Are you more or less enthusiastic about becoming a teacher? Do you still think teaching is for you? If not, why? If so, elaborate on your reasons. How did you bring closure to your classroom experience? What were your feelings as you departed your classroom for the last time?  You should include at least two pictures from your site school experience. 

As always, use the rubric for maximum grading potential. 

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